I know everyone says the same thing, but where did the weekend go? It seems like I just left work and here I am again. I had a very productive weekend though. Check it out!
I finally stepped up and finished the braided jewels scarf. I think it turned out really nice after all. I sent the requestor pics and she seemed to really like it, but she hasn't purchased it yet. Hmmm. Here is a pic of the finished product:
This is doubled around the neck one time.
After that I had an urge to knock out something quick so I made two plastic bag holders for the craft sale March 17th.
This is the one in eggplant, light green and country blue. All scrap yarn so different weights, but I think it came out okay.
This one is a little larger. I used that bright neon orange (I call it hunter's orange because it reminds me of the hunting jackets or vests. I changed up the handle on this one. I think they both came out cute. Let's hope they sell!
The DH has been busy setting up fence panels and working on the horses area. Here are some pics of our progress. We moved the hay into the tack shed and emptied out the stored items (brushes, leads, lounge lines, etc.). Today he is putting up a light off the back of the garage (dusk to dawn) so the area will be well lit. Thursday he will begin work on the stall fronts and doors to the stalls.
This is looking from the back corner towards the stall barn. It's a decent size area for them. We hope to have the first pasture completed by the end of April. Here is another view looking from the back corner towards our house.
We decided to put the gate on the side here. There is a 12 foot panel from the tack shed and then the six foot gate (which is the overhead section you see in this pic). We think it will help cut down on the wear and tear in the front where the other side will eventually go.
Less than two weeks and the girls arrive! Can't wait!! Here is a pic of my baby when we had the snow a week or so ago. The lady we board them with took this pic and I love it!
SONG OF THE BLOG: "Feels Like Tonight" by DAUGHTRY